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KIROVA 1MChZ (caliber 61)
One of the rarest and most interesting watches of the early Soviet period, is the LF-S - “wristwatch with stopwatch”. A one-button chronograph, produced by the 1st State Chas Plant. Kirov (later - "ПОЛЁТ") for the highest command of the Air Force of the USSR during 1938-1941. Equipment for the production of this caliber was purchased in Europe and mastered during the modernization of the Soviet watchmaking production of 1936-1938.
The chronograph (17 jewels) was produced in small series at the 1st SSHZ by order of the Air Force until the plant was evacuated from Moscow in the autumn of 1941 and is a constructive copy of the Swiss mechanism Valjoux 61, but most of the parts of these calibers are not interchangeable.
Years of release and numbering of calibers, based on the identified instances:
1) 4th quarter 1938 - №№ 001-250 (250 pcs.) - pilot issue, dials often without phosphor;
2) 4th quarter of 1940 - №№ 250-1000 (750 pcs.) - the beginning of serial production after the transfer of the plant to military orders, both types of dials;
3) 1-3 quarters of 1941 - №№ 1000-7000 (6000 pcs.) - serial production, dials mainly with light-mass.
This one is a Kirov from the 2th quarter of 1940. Only 1.000 pieces have been made until the 4th quarter of 1940.

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